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1st week of August Oriental Dollarbird

1081 2020.08.06


Oriental Dollarbirds come to Korea in early summer to raise their young and return to Southeast Asia or Australia in the fall. The Oriental Dollarbird likes to sit on the top of a large tree at the edge of the forest. Its beautiful greenish blue body and big red beak make it easily distinguishable from other species. In flight, it emits a loud “kek! kek!” A pair of white spots is visible on the undersides of the wings.


It hunts flying beetles, cicadas and scarabs. It lays 3 to 5 eggs and incubates them for 22-23 days. In Belgian playwright, Maurice Maeterlinck's world famous play, “L'Oiseau bleu,” there is a story about Tiltil and Mythil searching for a blue bird in their dreams. One might think of the Oriental Dollarbird we can see in Korea. But it does not live in Belgium or Europe.
 Although not a common bird, there are three or four pairs every year at Namsan in Seoul, and it is very easy to see at the Misari Rowing Stadium in Hanam.